History and Purpose of Exterior Shutters

History and Purpose of Exterior Shutters

Window shutters have been used for centuries due to the aesthetic and visual effects, low maintenance requirements, strength and durability that they offer. Shutters are an ordinary feature of historical structures, and more so for early civilizations, and are now in use across the world. Window shutters were originally designed for interior use, but are today used to protect windows on the outside. It is believed that the first window shutters were in use before glass windows, close to 500 years ago in Greece, Italy, New England and France.

History and Purpose of Exterior Shutters - Window shuttersIn Greece, shutters were used to enhance ventilation, control light and offer protection against harsh weather. These shutters were made of fixed marble louvers. In New England, the shutters used during Elizabeth I’s era, between 1558 and 1603, were made of heavy wooden boards, and were designed to cover the bottom half of the window pane. This is because glass was costly and hard to find, hence only the top half of the window would have a glass covering. The window shutter would be opened when need be to let in air and light, and when shut, a bar would be placed across window panels to secure the shutter.

These window shutters were made in different designs and were decorated to suit the home-owners preferences. In the 1700’s, people began mounting two glass window panes, just like is the current practice. Shutters were then modified to cover the full length of the window. These shutters were installed on the inside, due to the thick stone walls which characterized buildings, making it difficult to unlatch or secure exterior shutters from inside the building.

Between 1837 and 1901 construction in England was done using timber or other methods that led to thinner walls. This made it possible for people to open and close shutters mounted on the outside; thus the use of exterior shutters started. The materials used to make shutters have evolved over time; present day shutters are made from a variety of materials, such as wood, plastic, aluminum, iron, vinyl, fiberglass and faux wood. In the present day, exterior shutters are available in various forms, including custom fitted styles, ready made shutters and do-it-yourself kits.

Uses of Exterior Shutters

Exterior window shutters have been used over the years for aesthetic effects, as well as protection from weather elements and security. Shutters are very useful in blocking out light and heat, by deflecting direct sunlight. The aesthetic and visual effect of window shutters has also led to their widespread use, and various designs have influenced country specific architecture over time, resulting in rich historic and cultural value.

An exterior storm or hurricane shutter is useful in protecting doors or windows against flying objects during a hurricane, or from destructive high winds and rain. Continuous innovation has resulted to the installation of louvered or narrow shutter blades, which are angled to avert raindrops. Despite the innovation and evolution of exterior shutters over time, the uses of exterior shutters have remained constant through the years.

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