Dirty Facts About Carpet Spot Removal Revealed
If you’re seriously interested in knowing about carpet spot removal, you should think just beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about carpet spot removal.
Any homeowner who has any experience with carpet is aware of the many types of accidents that can occur. The risk for carpet accidents and spills is higher than ever since carpeting is very common with most homes these days. However it doesn’t matter whether the spill or stain is made up of juice, blood, or mud there is almost always some way to clean everything up completely. There are several carpet spot removal products that you can pick up at your local drug store, grocery store, or department store that will work great if you apply them properly. However the major problem with these types of products is that they are usually very vague with how you should exactly use and apply them properly.
First of all thing you should know is that red is the hardest stain to get out of your carpet. It is highly recommended that you should not attempt to get this red carpet stain out yourself and to have a professional carpet cleaner do it instead. With this type of stain there are very certain procedures and effective techniques that your local carpet cleaning company will perform to spare you from ruining your carpeting. Using a professional carpet cleaner is the only way to go, since they are properly trained and professionally equipped to handle this difficult task.
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However for every other type of carpet spot or stain there is usually an inexpensive and effective way to clean the spots out of your carpet and evn your upholstery also. Although you do need to pay a great deal of attention to the label and / or the technique that is required to get the stain out. Some products will work much better and be more effective than others for certain types of stains and the techniques to apply them will vary. If you have a big party starting in a hour you wouldn’t want to use a product that you have to let sit and soak for a long period of time.
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Our recommendation is to head on down to your local auto parts store or outlet and purchase the auto upholstery and carpet cleaner that comes in the can. Personally I prefer to use Blue Coral Dri – Clean Carpet & Uphosterly because it is easy to use and very effective in removing stains. Although almost all of the cleaners that are in a can are of the foaming cleaner type and will make your job a lot easier. The foam will penetrate the carpet or fabric fibers upon contact and as it foams the stains and soils will be released and suspended on top of the fibers. Once the foam has worked its magic according to the instructions you will usually need to lightly scrub the affected areas with a clean towel or soft bristled brush.
Now that we’ve covered those aspects of carpet spot removal, let’s turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.
Once you are convinced you can clean the spots out of your carpet yourself you may find that these few tips will come in handy:
1. To reduce the chance of ruining colors or having color transfers you should only use white towels or rags while cleaning your upholstery and carpet.
2. Even though it may state to dry clean only you should use foaming cleaners to clean your entire piece of upholstery.
3. Always test any type of product on a hidden area first to save yourself grief in case the results do not produce what you were expecting or the way you hoped things would turn out.
4. Do not hesitate to contact a professional carpet cleaner if you think you might need the help of a professional or believe that you may be getting in over your head.
In summary, unless you have a red stain in the carpet you should not have any problems in getting the spot out. Just keep in mind that spots and stains can be a carpet’s worst enemy and you should always attempt to get them out as soon as you possibly can. The sooner you react to the spill the sooner you will prevent the problem from getting any worse and doing more permanent damage. By performing the proper care & having carpet stains removed quickly and properly you and your family should be able to use your carpeting for many years to come!
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That’s how things stand right now about carpet spot removal. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time as new and improved products come out, so be sure to come back often to keep up with the latest carpet cleaning news.